A downloadable tool

sabraLUA is a port of Scratch to LUA through an engine called LÖVE2D. the project was started on the 30th june 2023, and last updated 6th july 2023.

github: https://github.com/sabra55/sabraLUA

scratch topic: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/693608/


v0.2 pre-alpha (06.07.2023):

- made red border around every block

- now able to spawn new blocks by clicking right mouse button

- made a new block class

- split blocks code from main.lua

- now able to drag blocks, but don't follow around the mouse by default

v0.1 pre-alpha (04.07.2023):

- added a block-drawing routine

- made the block follow the mouse

- made the bg colour white